The BIGGEST reason you aren’t losing body fat!

The BIGGEST reason you aren’t losing body fat!   Ok, maybe it’s the second biggest reason behind weekend binge eating but not being aware of how many calories you actually eat daily is a close second.   It’s not your fault, I’m not saying you’re lying just simply that upon reflection what may appear to […]

2 weeks to go!!!!

So I’ve been so…so busy this week, I think I’ve missed a week sorry! The kids have been on their Easter break and my sessions in the gym have ramped up! These last few weeks have been intense with all the work I need to put in and keeping the kids entertained. Easter holidays are […]

What is protein powder, and should I be using it?

There is a lot of misconceptions around protein supplements but regardless of goal, training frequency, current body fat, gender, a protein powder may be a good addition to you diet. The most common things I get asked to do with protein powder is how much, when to use it, and what type.   Before asking […]

4 weeks out!!

4 weeks to go can’t believe it’s nearly here, shoes have been ordered, bikini is being made, spray tan is booked! Still got a few other things to sort. This SHIT just got real!!! Ahhhh!! My calories have dropped slightly, still training hard feeling strong, cardio is crazy as got to burn that last bit […]

10 reasons your last diet failed

You picked a diet based on marketing not you, your preferences, lifestyle and goals. Nutritional approaches should be individualised.   You started with the wrong mindset. Starting a diet because you don’t like your appearance can lead to an unhealthy body image and relationship with food. Learn to love and embrace your current body for […]