Squat Workshop

Saturday 9th June at 9.30am at The Gym Hub Worthing

The squat is one of the best exercises everyone should be doing in one variation or another, however this very complex exercise is often performed ineffectively and sometimes dangerously.

Everyone should be able to squat but not everyone’s squats will look the same. Differences in individual goals, anatomy and structure mean ‘how to squat’ isn’t a short answer if you want to get the most from the movement.

In this free 1-hour workshop you will learn and find the correct squat set up for you as an individual and your goals as well as getting in some good working sets, so you get to experience what properly executed squats feel like.

What you’ll learn

  • How to properly brace your core in all lower body movements.
  • How to properly recruit the glutes in the squat.
  • The exact execution that best matches your goal and structure.
  • Why a lot of what you heard about the squat isn’t true.
  • How to take the lower back out of the movement.
  • How ‘wonderful’ a set of squats can feel.


The workshop is free to gym hub members and limited to 20 spaces.


To book your place please fill in the form below.

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